Amethyst is one of the most popular members of the quartz family. This variety of quartz has purple hues and originates from the ancient Greeks, and is formed from volcanic rocks. It is also the birthstone of February.
This guide will delve deeper into the meaning of an Amethyst stone, including its properties and benefits so you can discover if the crystal is for you.
The meaning of Amethyst crystals
Amethyst derives its name from the Greek word “Ametusthos”. The word loosely translates to “not intoxicated”, and for years the Greeks believed this to be true, one of them giving the crystal to the god of wine in the hope of healing her sanity and keeping her sober. It is said the ancient Greeks would wear the crystals around their neck and even carve drinking vessels from the stone in the hopes of staying sober and not overindulging.
Throughout the years, the meaning of the stone has changed slightly but the basis has always been the same – a calming crystal which banishes negative energies and thoughts of overindulging. The Amethyst crystal meaning is now known as cleansing and protection more than the not intoxicated the Greeks referred to it as.
Amethyst crystal properties
Amethyst is one of the healing crystals and belongs to the third eye chakra. This is an energy point within the body, located on the forehead, typically where a third eye would be if we had one. Another chakra point in which the Amethyst is predominantly linked to is the crown chakra. This is just about the top of the skull. Placing the stone on the corresponding chakras is said to stimulate the third eye and boost its healing powers whilst bringing tranquillity to your crown chakra by removing any mental blockages. Amethyst properties include:
- Aids with sleep issues such as insomnia
- A natural tranquilliser; banishing negative energies and thoughts whilst calming the mind
- Guards against psychic attacks
- Boosts the immune system
- Supports hormone production
- Enhances one’s sobriety
These properties of Amethyst stone are both metaphysical and/or physical. Although these healing powers have never been scientifically proven, there are many who have reported the benefits from crystal healing.
Tapping into the crystal’s properties
Although the crystal holds all, and maybe more, properties than listed above, you need to know how to tap into these to feel the benefits. You will also need to be a person with an open mind in order for you to truly experience the rewards from crystal healing.
Cleanse the crystal
It is always a good idea to start off with a fresh, cleansed crystal. This way you will know it has been purified of all negative energies and therefore will be able to absorb the ones surrounding you. After each healing session, or simply each night if you are using the crystal daily, it is recommended that you cleanse the stone for this reason also. Once this has been done, you are ready to reap the benefits from the amethyst.
Chakra points and circle of healing
One of the ways to tap into its healing energy is to place the stone directly on the chakra points – the crown chakra and/or the third eye. As mentioned above, this can stimulate the energy points and begin to heal your mind and spirit. It is easiest to do this way of healing by lying on your back and placing yourself into a meditative state. You can also simply place the crystals around you in a circle to create a circle of healing. This will do the same as placing the stone on the chakra point, but without body contact.
Crystal healers
Going to a crystal healer is another way of tapping into the properties of the stone. They will perform a healing session which will allow you to focus on yourself and healing rather than the placements on the stones.
Everyday use
If you would prefer to have the crystal on you at all times, you can either carry the stone around with you, in a pocket or in your hand, or you can even wear it as Amethyst jewellery such as a necklace or an Amethyst ring. This will allow the crystal to be in contact with you whilst also looking subtle and doing its job.
Sleep healing
Another way to heal yourself subtly would be to place the crystal under your pillow whilst you sleep. This way you can sleep peacefully whilst the crystal works its healing powers.
For more information on crystal healing have a look at our guide to crystals for healing.
Amethyst crystal benefits
Once you have learnt how to tap into the properties of an Amethyst crystal you can now start to reap its rewards. As mentioned above, an open mind is a must during crystal healing. This will allow you to experience its full potential.
The benefits of an Amethyst crystal widely depend on what you are using the crystal for. If you are using the crystal to heal your mind you could feel yourself feeling more calm and free from anxiety or stress. Whereas if you are using the crystal to help you sleep, you should start to feel more relaxed and able to break free from insomnia. Here are some of the benefits of the properties mentioned above:
- Sleep issues – Amethyst eases the mind and helps banish negative thoughts and energies. By doing this, the stone is said to help aid a good night sleep by keeping the mind free and relaxed during sleep, and by combating any negatives, such as bad dreams, from entering your mind whilst you sleep.
- Natural tranquilliser – Similar to above, its tranquilising affects banish negative energies and thoughts whilst calming the mind. This is said to relieve a lot of stress and anxieties in people and helps them to stay focused on every day.
- Guards against psychic attacks – Amethyst is said to guard the body and mind against any form of psychic attack. This benefit speaks for itself, especially if you are under the impression something otherworldly is trying to reach you.
- Boosts the immune system – The stone is said to help with enhancing the immune system so you can stay healthier for longer and hopefully not suffer from any pesky colds, which is a benefit of its own! If you are one who feels their immune system may be lacking, trying amethyst healing could very well help – although the physical effect has never been proven.
- Supports hormone production – This is another property whose benefits could simply be a placebo effect. However if you truly believe in crystal healing, and would like help in balancing your hormones, then an Amethyst crystal is said to help with just that. Using this crystal could help you feel more balanced, and moments of anger may come less due to stone supporting your hormones.
- Enhances a person’s sobriety – An Amethyst stone was once believed to help people stay sober for longer. This was usually used whilst drinking so that they could enjoy the alcohol but not feel the wrath of a hangover later. However, if you are looking for a type of “lucky charm” to help keep you on the straight and narrow through sobriety, then this crystal could be the one for you with its said powers of banishing negative thoughts and energies. It is worth noting that, again, this has never been proven, so in this case the crystal would act more of a reminder to stay sober rather than something that would physically stop you from drinking.
Amethyst is a strong and powerful crystal in the crystal healing world. There are many benefits you could feel from using the stone should you wish to believe in its powers. Although the meaning of the stone may have changed throughout time, the crystal itself has remained as unique and stunning as ever, and its healing properties continue to be reported.
Should you wish to find out first hand how Amethyst crystal can help you, have a look at our selection of Amethyst stones and gifts we offer.