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Which crystals go well with Amethyst: a guide to crystal combinations

Amethyst is a very popular and versatile crystal. It is a powerful protective stone that has many healing properties such as helping with a good night’s sleep and clearing the mind. But Amethyst is also a great crystal to combine with others and enhance their powers. We have put together some of the best combinations for Amethyst and the benefits this can have.

Rose Quartz and Amethyst

Rose Quartz is another crystal which is equally as popular as Amethyst. For this reason, one of the most common questions asked is “can Rose Quartz go with Amethyst?” The answer to this is yes. Rose Quartz goes extremely well with the Amethyst crystal. Not only do the two powerful crystals work well together but they look great together too due to their stunning colours – the deep purple hues of Amethyst, and the rose pink tones of the Rose Quartz. When the two crystals are combined for crystal healing, they work hard to restore self love, trust and harmony in yourself and relationships. One of the most powerful healing benefits is that of those who are suffering with anxieties and need time to focus on themselves. This is because the Rose Quartz encourages self-love, whilst the Amethyst can help to reduce depression and anxiety levels. 

These two crystals are great at combating relationship problems and helping a person through tough times to aid them in finding forgiveness.

Clear Quartz and Amethyst

Another member of the Quartz family which goes well with Amethyst is the Clear Quartz crystal. The clear Quartz is known as the “master healer” in the crystal world, and when paired with Amethyst the two become a very effective protection method. They both absorb the negative energies surrounding the user and balance the mental, physical and emotional planes. They are both also connected to the crown chakra meaning the pair are great for use in meditation when trying to enhance the user’s psychic abilities and protect from psychic attacks. 

Carnelian and Amethyst

Carnelian is another great crystal for pairing with Amethyst. The healing effects of Carnelian help to reduce anger and banish any emotional negativity the user may have. As Amethyst helps to diminish sadness and irritability when paired with the Carnelian, the combination is great for people who suffer from any emotional instability. 

Another apparent benefit of these two crystals being placed together is to increase fertility. Although this has never been scientifically proven, it is said that if the user places the two crystals in the bedroom whilst trying to conceive the healing vibrations from the two crystals will increase the chances of fertility. This is because the Carnelian is known to stimulate sexuality whilst the Amethyst relieves any stress.

Citrine and Amethyst

This combination is great for encouraging success and prosperity in both personal and business life of the user. It does this by enhancing your confidence and courage whilst motivating you to do what it takes to succeed. Amethyst dispels any anxieties and fears whilst the Citrine attracts joy and positive vibes making it a great pairing for success. In fact, the pairing of Amethyst and Citrine can sometimes naturally occur in the form of “Ametrine” proving further that the two crystals go great together.

Smoky Quartz and Amethyst

The third member of the Quartz family worth mentioning is the Smoky Quartz. One of the reasons they go so well together (and the same for any Amethyst and Quartz crystals) is because although the Amethyst does not have Quartz in its name, it is in fact part of the Quartz family. This means the two crystals compliment each other very well. This pairing works especially well for people who are looking to relieve their stress and anxieties. Smoky Quartz is a crystal known for bringing serenity and calmness to its user, whilst the Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser, relieving the fears and stress of the user. The two placed together can enhance each other’s effects and help a person overcome their depression and anxiety. When used together they can also aid in a good night’s sleep by fighting insomnia and any negative energies in the form of nightmares. The best method to do this is to place them by your bedside or under your pillow while you sleep. 

Labradorite and Amethyst

These two crystals connect to different chakras. Predominantly, the Amethyst is connected to the crown chakra, whilst the Labradorite is connected to the third eye chakra. This combination makes it perfect for people looking for spiritual awareness and mental clarity. The Labradorite enhances spiritual practices and the Amethyst encourages spiritual awareness, making the pairing perfect for meditation and to promote psychic abilities. 

Another great benefit of this crystal combination is assisting with change. Labradorite is the crystal of transformation and aids people who are experiencing a change in their lives. Amethyst compliments this well as it is known for combating fears and anxieties which can tend to come hand in hand with changes in our lives. 

How to use the crystal combinations

Healing with crystal combinations is exactly the same as healing with one crystal. There are many different ways to tap into their energies and experience the full benefits. We have previously put together a comprehensive list of all the ways to use crystals for healing in this blog. However, we have listed some of the best ways for combination crystals below. 


One of the most calming ways to tap into the energies of the crystals is through meditation. This is especially helpful when using combinations such as the Labradorite and Amethyst as they assist with connecting to spiritual awareness and are perfect for meditation. This way of crystal healing is good for people who suffer with stress and anxieties as the meditation process should be calming and relaxing, helping to clear the mind.

There are many ways to meditate with crystals. It is best to experiment and find the one which you feel more comfortable with. You can lay on your back, or sit cross legged on the floor with a crystal in each hand. Or, if you have multiple crystals, you can place them in a circle around you. If you do have just the two crystals you can still place them at either side of you whilst you meditate rather than holding them. 

Crystal Jewellery

If you are looking to use crystals for healing but you would like to incorporate this into your everyday life without much effort, then purchasing jewellery versions of the stone could be the best option. The stones do not need to be touching or even in the same piece of jewellery. For example you could have one as a necklace and the other as earrings. However you choose to wear the crystals you will benefit from their healing vibrations throughout the day without having to think about it.

Sleep Healing

As mentioned before, you can place the crystals under your pillow whilst you sleep to reap the benefits. This is known as sleep healing. This method is especially helpful when trying to heal nightmares and insomnia such as Smoky Quartz and Amethyst. If placing them under your pillow is too uncomfortable, try placing them under the mattress or even at the side of you whilst you sleep. You will still benefit from their healing vibrations.

Place in your pocket

Another easy and simple way to use the crystals is to have them in your pocket, or somewhere on your prosn such as in a handbag or purse/wallet. This way, throughout the day you can benefit from their healing abilities, and by simply knowing you have them with you. This can also come in handy when you feel stressed or in need of the crystals as you can hold them and begin to find your relaxation and positive energy again.


The Amethyst stones are a great crystal to obtain and use on its own or paired with its perfect partner. It all depends on the user and what they wish to focus on and heal with the crystals. We have a large selection of crystals which go brilliantly with Amethyst and come in different forms to help you find the one that suits you the most. If you would also like to know more about crystals and the chakra points they relate to, take a look at our blog – Chakra Crystals: A complete guide.

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The top benefits of crystal healing

Healing crystals have been around for centuries and are extremely popular amongst those who like to connect with their spiritual side. It is a form of natural and alternative medicine which is rising in popularity. Crystal healing consists of using beautiful, and sometimes precious, gems and stones which are usually very appealing to the eye. But owning a stunning crystal is one thing, knowing the benefits from using it for healing is another and could convince you to give it a try.

What are healing crystals?

There are many cultures that have believed in and used crystal for healing for years such as Greece – including the ancient Greeks – Egypt, and China. They believe each different stone has a unique healing ability which can connect to different energy points in the body – also known as Chakra. The crystals tend to typically fall under one of more of the following categories: health, wealth, and love and their healing properties correspond. For a more detailed explanation of this, take a look at our guide to crystals for healing.

Each precious stone is said to hold strong energy that can pass onto the user, healing the chakras or energy that needs it. Not every gem or stone you find or purchase may have healing properties. It usually comes down to the way the crystal was formed, for example from volcanic rock, and the way the crystal has been used and worshipped throughout the years for its abilities. To see a detailed list of most healing crystals take a look at the guide listed above.

The top benefits of healing crystals

Crystals are said to hold an electromagnetic charge which releases crystal vibrations when being used. This removes mental blockages in the body and mind and releases the negative energies one may be holding. There is also the belief that crystals can communicate with different energy points and flows in the body to help realign any energy channels that may be off balance and support the natural flow of energy through the body. 

As mentioned above, the crystals can fall into three categories for mental healing, but have also been said to help with healing physical illness as well.

Mental or spiritual healing

There are many apparent healing powers of crystal which are linked to health, wealth, and love. Some particular stones are being used time and time again by crystal healers and general everyday people, as they show large benefits of crystal healing.


A great overall stone for the mental and spiritual healing of one’s health is the clear quartz. This is known to be the “master healer” and is said to support the entire energetic system of the body. The other benefits of using crystals for health healing is to provide you with support during times of stress and anxiety, to help you with processing your emotions and the experiences you have so that you can banish the negative energies and let go, and to enhance your will power whilst purifying your thoughts and soul. Crystals used for this category of healing are said to be able to drastically improve your mental health by replacing the negative energy and thoughts with positive energy and calming the mind.


Wealth in this case actually refers to many things. Not only are there stones that are said to improve your actual wealth in terms of money, but they can improve your wealth of knowledge or good luck. A great crystal to use for attracting good luck is turquoise. This stone also helps to soothe emotions and banish negativity which in turn is what increases your ability to attract good luck. Other stones such as Amazonite are good for boosting your financial wealth and prosperity by encouraging a strong work ethic and success. Whereas there are other crystals and stones that boost wealth in different ways such as banishing self doubt and fear that can affect the ego and make one fearful of poverty. This helps to inject a positive energy into your wealth and encourages you to finely tune your desires from life.


A very popular and well known crystal which is linked closely to love is the Rose Quartz. This stone is said to be the crystal of “unconditional love” and can enhance self-love, trust and respect in yourself and your relationships. Other crystals known for this type of healing can help with promoting growth and inner strength whilst connecting you to the divine femine spirit, and also increase your connection to your feelings and the ones around you by enhancing your affection for yourself and others.

Physical healing

There are some crystals which are said to possess physical healing powers on the human body too. Although it is worth noting that there is no scientific evidence to support this way of medical treatment (and none for mental and spiritual healing) meaning that the benefits people reap from the stones may be that of a placebo effect. However, if the crystal is seemingly healing you, whether that be a placebo effect or not, the result is evident and is therefore benefitting you. 

There are a few crystals which are said to hold healing powers which can help with illnesses and ailments in the body. Rather than the individual crystals holding the physical healing powers, it is the energy point AKA chakra which it is linked to that can help with healing different physical properties.  

    • Root Chakra. Crystals linked to this chakra are said to aid with blood circulation, the reproductive system, the adrenal glands, and also help heal things that may affect your spine.
    • Sacral Chakra. These stones are said to help enhance the reproductive organs and assist the kidneys.
    • Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra and its crystals are known for aiding the digestive system, the liver, the central nervous system, and the metabolism.
    • Heart Chakra. The crystals linked with the heart chakra are said to assist with just that – the heart. They are also known for helping the immune system, breasts, and lungs.
    • Throat Chakra. The healing properties of these crystals are said to help assist the thyroid, the neck and shoulder, the throat, and the ears and mouth.
    • Third Eye Chakra. This chakra’s crystals are believed to help with the pituitary glands, the eyes, as well as the base of the skull.
    • The Crown Chakra. This is the final chakra and the crystals related to this are said to assist with healing the brain, the cerebral cortex, and the central nervous system.

Financial benefits

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine that can also be beneficial to the pocket. Although you can pay professionals like crystal healers to perform the healing sessions for you, you can also find other ways to use the precious stones which may suit you better. For example, if you wish to heal whilst sleeping, you can simply place the stone/stones under your pillow or in the room while you sleep. Alternatively you can purchase most crystals in jewellery form, meaning you can wear them day to day and heal without having to think about it. Whichever way you prefer to use the crystal, this can be more financially beneficial for you than other traditional medicine and professionals. The initial cost would be purchasing the crystal/crystals, but after that you may not need to spend a penny. However, it is essential that if you are trying crystals for medical purposes and healing, such as the ones listed under the chakras above, that you monitor this. If you do not feel any benefits from the stones, crystal healing may not be for you at this time, and it’s a good idea to seek professional medical advice.

Other benefits

You may want to use crystals to heal your mind and spirit. Maybe you have a few anxieties or fears that you wish to banish and talking to a professional such as a DR and/or psychologist might not appeal to you. Using crystal for healing can be a real benefit to people who are naturally socially anxious and who wish to heal themselves in private. The process of using crystals for healing can also be a very calm, relaxing, meditative time which can help you overall feel at peace in your own skin. Again, if you try crystal healing and do not feel it is working out for you but still want to seek help for your issues, please speak to a medical professional.

We have a wide range of crystals in all different forms, that are said to heal all different parts of the body and mind. Have a look at our store today to discover the perfect crystal for you! 

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A guide to using Amethyst for healing

The Amethyst crystal has been around for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Greeks. It is said that the crystal was once given to the god of wine to help heal their sanity. This then led many to believe that the crystal could stop you from getting drunk. 

Amethyst is one of the most well-known and popular stones in the crystal world. It is a member of the quartz family and is formed by volcanic rocks, which creates its purple prismatic crystals.The purple hues of stone are pleasing to the eye but it is also said to hold healing properties which can aid its owner. 

It’s good to note that none of Amethyst’s healing powers have ever been proven by science. However, there are many who believe it to work and have seen positive effects after using Amethyst for healing.

In this guide we will break down the ways in which you can use Amethyst for healing at home or on the go.

Amethyst healing properties

Before you start to use the crystal for healing, it is good to know exactly what the healing properties of Amethyst are. There are two types of healing the crystal is proposed to offer:

1. Metaphysical properties

2. Physical health properties

Metaphysical properties

The amethyst stone is linked to the sixth and seventh chakras – the third eye and the crown chakra. This is said to give a person a higher spiritual awareness and “psychic” abilities. The crystal is known for promoting health; helping one to banish negative energy whilst aiding in a restful sleep, enhancing a person’s willpower and supporting good thoughts and choices. These are all reported metaphysical properties that the crystal is known to heal and support.

Physical health properties

Although the physical health properties have never been scientifically proven, Amethyst is said to have helped many who have used it. This could simply be a placebo effect, however, if the user is seeing benefits from using the crystal, whether this be a placebo effect or not, this will have a positive impact. 

There are several reported physical health benefits of the Amethyst crystal, such as:

  • supporting the immune system
  • regulating hormones
  • improving the skin’s appearance
  • improving the digestive system

There are a few other benefits of amethyst healing which are listed by Healthline.

How to use Amethyst for healing

Whether you are wanting to use the crystal to heal metaphysical properties, or physical health properties, there are many different ways you can do this.

  • Wear as a piece of jewellery – One of the most popular ways of crystal healing is to wear the stone as a piece of jewellery. This could be anything from a necklace, to handmade earrings or bracelets. As long as the crystal is on your body and in contact with you, it is said to pass on its positive energies and healing abilities to the user
  • Place on the right chakra point – Another way to use the stone for healing is to place it on the corresponding chakra point – the third eye. This is positioned on your forehead – typically where a third eye would be if we had one. The best way to do this would be to lie down on your back and place yourself into a meditative state. You can also visit a crystal healer who will perform this for. Having the stone placed on the correct chakra point will tap into the energy point of the body and pass on its healing abilities. 

There are other ways in which you can use amethyst to heal, such as creating an energy circle with the crystals around you, or sleeping with it under your pillow. These and a few others are explained in more detail in our guide to crystal healing blog.

Connecting to the birthstone

Amethyst is the birthstone of February. Many people feel a spiritual connection to their birthstone and/or star sign. If you are a February baby then Amethyst is the one for you.

Birthstones date back to the breastplate of Aaron. It is said to have contained twelve gems which were related to the twelve tribes of Israel, and ultimately the twelve months of the year. The second gem was an Amethyst crystal and therefore represents the second month – February.

If you were born in February and the Amethyst crystal is “calling” out to you, then connecting to your birthstone could be the form of spiritual healing you may be looking for. You can do this by any of the above methods, or by simply having the stone in your possession any way you please to create your own method of connection and healing. 

Connecting to the Zodiac stone

Similar to birthstones, people may feel a strong spiritual connection to their Zodiac sign (AKA star sign). If you are looking to enhance this connection then finding the correct healing crystal associated with your Zodiac sign could assist this.

Zodiac signs are astrological birth signs. Each has their own specific dates that it is linked to and is associated with a number of precious gems and crystals. The Amethyst is closely associated with the Zodiac sign Pisces.

If you are looking to further connect to your star sign – Pisces – and the Amethyst crystal looks appealing to you, then using it for healing could enhance this spiritual connection. Use the crystal in any way you see fit, or try the methods listed above to begin your crystal healing journey.


Throughout our lives we may find ourselves drawn to many different crystals for different reasons. One of these reasons could simply be aesthetic purposes. The Amethyst crystal has a stunning deep purple hue and may draw the attention of lovers of the colour purple. Although you may not think this is a deep enough reason to try an Amethyst crystal you may be surprised. You have been drawn to the crystal for a reason, and what better way to tap into your spirituality than using a crystal for healing that you enjoy?

The colour of the Amethyst is said to be a natural tranquilliser as well as being connected to activating the spiritual awareness of the user. Other crystals may be able to be used on the same chakra points during crystal healing, however the Amethyst has specific healing benefits due to its purple hues. It is said to have a calming nature to help with anxiety, and can dispel rage. On the spiritual side of things it is known for enhancing psychic abilities and welcoming intuitive energies.

As previously mentioned, many believe crystal healing works with a placebo effect. If this is the case, then this placebo effect will be heightened by the fact you have felt a strong connection to the crystal which has drawn you to obtain one. How comfortable you feel with the look and feel of a crystal will alter how well you are able to use it for healing.

After each use, it is a good idea to cleanse your crystal and it is said to absorb the negative energies from around you. This will purify the stone ready for the next use.


The amethyst crystal healing properties are vast and can help heal a range of different metaphysical and physical properties – should you truly believe that the crystal will work. It is a popular choice for many, and has a unique and eye-catching look which looks stunning whether you are using this for crystal healing or not.

If you are ready to discover the healing powers of amethyst crystal, then have a look at the range of Amethyst crystals we have to offer!

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Amethyst crystals: meaning, properties and benefits

Amethyst is one of the most popular members of the quartz family. This variety of quartz has purple hues and originates from the ancient Greeks, and is formed from volcanic rocks. It is also the birthstone of February.

This guide will delve deeper into the meaning of an Amethyst stone, including its properties and benefits so you can discover if the crystal is for you.

The meaning of Amethyst crystals

Amethyst derives its name from the Greek word “Ametusthos”. The word loosely translates to “not intoxicated”, and for years the Greeks believed this to be true, one of them giving the crystal to the god of wine in the hope of healing her sanity and keeping her sober. It is said the ancient Greeks would wear the crystals around their neck and even carve drinking vessels from the stone in the hopes of staying sober and not overindulging.

Throughout the years, the meaning of the stone has changed slightly but the basis has always been the same – a calming crystal which banishes negative energies and thoughts of overindulging. The Amethyst crystal meaning is now known as cleansing and protection more than the not intoxicated the Greeks referred to it as.

Amethyst crystal properties

Amethyst is one of the healing crystals and belongs to the third eye chakra. This is an energy point within the body, located on the forehead, typically where a third eye would be if we had one. Another chakra point in which the Amethyst is predominantly linked to is the crown chakra. This is just about the top of the skull. Placing the stone on the corresponding chakras is said to stimulate the third eye and boost its healing powers whilst bringing tranquillity to your crown chakra by removing any mental blockages. Amethyst properties include:

  • Aids with sleep issues such as insomnia
  • A natural tranquilliser; banishing negative energies and thoughts whilst calming the mind
  • Guards against psychic attacks
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Supports hormone production
  • Enhances one’s sobriety

These properties of Amethyst stone are both metaphysical and/or physical. Although these healing powers have never been scientifically proven, there are many who have reported the benefits from crystal healing.

Tapping into the crystal’s properties

Although the crystal holds all, and maybe more, properties than listed above, you need to know how to tap into these to feel the benefits. You will also need to be a person with an open mind in order for you to truly experience the rewards from crystal healing.

Cleanse the crystal

It is always a good idea to start off with a fresh, cleansed crystal. This way you will know it has been purified of all negative energies and therefore will be able to absorb the ones surrounding you. After each healing session, or simply each night if you are using the crystal daily, it is recommended that you cleanse the stone for this reason also. Once this has been done, you are ready to reap the benefits from the amethyst.

Chakra points and circle of healing

One of the ways to tap into its healing energy is to place the stone directly on the chakra points – the crown chakra and/or the third eye. As mentioned above, this can stimulate the energy points and begin to heal your mind and spirit. It is easiest to do this way of healing by lying on your back and placing yourself into a meditative state. You can also simply place the crystals around you in a circle to create a circle of healing. This will do the same as placing the stone on the chakra point, but without body contact.

Crystal healers

Going to a crystal healer is another way of tapping into the properties of the stone. They will perform a healing session which will allow you to focus on yourself and healing rather than the placements on the stones.

Everyday use

If you would prefer to have the crystal on you at all times, you can either carry the stone around with you, in a pocket or in your hand, or you can even wear it as Amethyst jewellery such as a necklace or an Amethyst ring. This will allow the crystal to be in contact with you whilst also looking subtle and doing its job.

Sleep healing

Another way to heal yourself subtly would be to place the crystal under your pillow whilst you sleep. This way you can sleep peacefully whilst the crystal works its healing powers.

For more information on crystal healing have a look at our guide to crystals for healing.

Amethyst crystal benefits

Once you have learnt how to tap into the properties of an Amethyst crystal you can now start to reap its rewards. As mentioned above, an open mind is a must during crystal healing. This will allow you to experience its full potential.

The benefits of an Amethyst crystal widely depend on what you are using the crystal for. If you are using the crystal to heal your mind you could feel yourself feeling more calm and free from anxiety or stress. Whereas if you are using the crystal to help you sleep, you should start to feel more relaxed and able to break free from insomnia. Here are some of the benefits of the properties mentioned above:

  • Sleep issues – Amethyst eases the mind and helps banish negative thoughts and energies. By doing this, the stone is said to help aid a good night sleep by keeping the mind free and relaxed during sleep, and by combating any negatives, such as bad dreams, from entering your mind whilst you sleep.
  • Natural tranquilliser – Similar to above, its tranquilising affects banish negative energies and thoughts whilst calming the mind. This is said to relieve a lot of stress and anxieties in people and helps them to stay focused on every day.
  • Guards against psychic attacks – Amethyst is said to guard the body and mind against any form of psychic attack. This benefit speaks for itself, especially if you are under the impression something otherworldly is trying to reach you.
  • Boosts the immune system – The stone is said to help with enhancing the immune system so you can stay healthier for longer and hopefully not suffer from any pesky colds, which is a benefit of its own! If you are one who feels their immune system may be lacking, trying amethyst healing could very well help – although the physical effect has never been proven.
  • Supports hormone production – This is another property whose benefits could simply be a placebo effect. However if you truly believe in crystal healing, and would like help in balancing your hormones, then an Amethyst crystal is said to help with just that. Using this crystal could help you feel more balanced, and moments of anger may come less due to stone supporting your hormones.
  • Enhances a person’s sobriety – An Amethyst stone was once believed to help people stay sober for longer. This was usually used whilst drinking so that they could enjoy the alcohol but not feel the wrath of a hangover later. However, if you are looking for a type of “lucky charm” to help keep you on the straight and narrow through sobriety, then this crystal could be the one for you with its said powers of banishing negative thoughts and energies. It is worth noting that, again, this has never been proven, so in this case the crystal would act more of a reminder to stay sober rather than something that would physically stop you from drinking.


Amethyst is a strong and powerful crystal in the crystal healing world. There are many benefits you could feel from using the stone should you wish to believe in its powers. Although the meaning of the stone may have changed throughout time, the crystal itself has remained as unique and stunning as ever, and its healing properties continue to be reported.

Should you wish to find out first hand how Amethyst crystal can help you, have a look at our selection of Amethyst stones and gifts we offer.

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Chakra Crystals: A complete guide

In natural medicine and crystal healing there are seven energy points on the body. These are also referred to as “chakra points”. Each chakra point also has a corresponding group of crystals which are known to connect to and simulate these energy spots. The trick is knowing which chakra crystals to use in order to truly connect and see the benefits for the problems you are wanting to heal. 

In this guide we will outline each chakra point and their known crystals. It’s good to note that there are many different crystals that can be used to connect to the chakra points. However, we will mention the most known and favourable chakra crystals to make it easier for you to discover which stone seems right for you and your healing journey.

What is chakra?

Chakras are known to be the most important energy centres of your body. They maintain the flow of energy throughout the body and keep it balanced. If unbalanced you may start to feel drained and a lack of energy. Unbalanced chakras can have mental, physical, and spiritual tolls on your body that you may not be aware of. For example, if you are feeling stressed, fatigued, or even dealing with sudden self-esteem issues, this could be due to an energy blockage in your personal chakras. To banish these negative energies and keep the positive energy flowing chakra healing is essential. To do this, you will need to understand the seven chakras and which may be blocked.

The seven chakras 

The body has seven main energy points which can all be tapped into through chakra balancing via crystals. 

First chakra – Root chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and represents your survival, safety, instinct and grounding. It is primarily portrayed by the colour red but there are a few crystals which are linked to the root chakra that are black. The healing effects of balancing your root chakra affect your spine, blood circulation, the adrenal glands, and sometimes the reproductive system.

Second chakra – Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra is positioned in the lower abdomen, just below the belly button. This chakra balances your passion, sexuality, creativity, and your emotions. The colour which is linked with the sacral chakra is orange and its healing properties include: enhancing the reproductive organs, and helping with the kidneys. 

Third chakra – Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra sits around the belly button on the abdomen area. This chakra is linked with self-worth and confidence, will power, and personal strength. Its physical healing effects can help the digestive system, the liver, your central nervous system, the pancreas, and your metabolism. The primary colour it is linked with is shades of yellow, however there are a few crystals which may be more on the orange side. 

Fourth chakra – Heart chakra

The heart chakra is located just there; the heart and it covers grief, love, relationships, and forgiveness. This chakra can be viewed as the most important energy point as it can bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual. Its healing powers can help with the immune system, the heart, breasts, and the lungs. The heart chakra is green in colour but there are some expectations, such as Rose quartz, which are pink in colour but are a great crystal for balancing the heart chakra.  

Fifth chakra – Throat chakra

The throat chakra is another energy point located where its name states; the throat. Its main functions are: communication, self expression, and connection with life. This chakras colour is represented by light blues and turquoise and its healing is known to help the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck and shoulders, the throat, and ears and mouth. 

Sixth chakra – Third eye chakra

The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra is more spiritual than the previous energy points and its location represents the spiritual third eye of all knowing. It is linked to imagination, insight and intuition, dreams, and wisdom. The colour which represents the third eye is deep purples and indigo, and its medical issues it is said to affect are: the pituitary glands, the eyes, the base of the skull, and your biorhythms.  

Seventh chakra – Crown chakra

The crown chakra is the energy point for the head and is positioned at the top of the skull (hovers above). It is represented by violet and whites. This chakra is known to be able to link you to a higher self-connection and spirituality. It is good for enhancing knowledge and understanding, your inspiration, positive thoughts and energy, and great for creating a higher consciousness. Its physical healing effects include: the pituitary gland, the cerebral cortex and the brain, and the central nervous system. 

What are chakra crystals?

Chakra crystals are precious stones you can use to tap into each personal energy point to balance them. Different crystals can connect to different chakra points, so it’s good to know which chakra point you may believe is blocked or unbalanced so you can use the right crystals. 

There are some stones which do have a more universal use than others and can be used to balance different chakra points at once. Typically the colour which represents the chakra point is usually the colour of the crystals you can use, but there are a few exceptions. We have listed a few chakra gemstones below for each energy point.

Root chakra – Red (sometimes black)

Sacral chakra – Orange

Solar Plexus chakra – Yellow

Heart chakra – Green (or pink)

Throat chakra – Blue

Third eye chakra – Indigo

Crown chakra – Violet and White

Where to put crystals for chakras

There are several different ways to use crystals for chakra healing and balance our bodies and minds. One way is to place the crystals on the corresponding points of the body. For example, if you are using a clear quartz crystal for healing, you are going to want to place this just above the head as this is where the crown chakra is located. The most beneficial way to do this would be to lie down. Another example would be Turquoise. This should be placed onto the throat area as this is where the throat chakra is positioned. Again, lying down while doing this would make it easier and more relaxing. Using multiple chakra crystals at once is also an option. So if you wanted to balance all your chakras you would simply place the right crystals in the correct places of the body. Going to a crystal healer is also an option if you are unable to do this yourself, or if you simply want a healer to do it for you and enhance the experience.

If placing the chakra crystals on your body is not for you, you can always build an energy circle. This is where you place the stones around you in a circle while you relax – you can be laid down for this one also. This will create an energy field which will surround you and be absorbed into your body, balancing your chakras depending on the crystals you have used. 

Another option is to purchase the crystals in jewellery form. This can be a simple and elegant way to wear the crystals and have them in contact with your body without you even thinking about it. There are some options out there such as Chakra Sun Pendant which incorporate all seven chakra crystals into its design. This is a handy necklace for those who are wanting to balance all seven energy points and activate that energy field.  

If chakra healing sounds interesting to you and something you want to try out, have a look at our range of crystals to start you on your journey. Just remember to correspond the crystal to the chakra/chakras you want to balance.


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A guide to crystals for healing

Have you ever wondered about the power of crystal and what it could do for your health and wellbeing, but you aren’t too sure how to incorporate crystals into your lifestyle? Do you want to know how they work for healing and the individual properties of each crystal? In this guide we will break down the properties of each crystal and provide you with more information to help you on your path to crystal healing as an alternative medicine. 

What are healing crystals?

There are many different healing crystals available which all are said to do different things. In short, healing crystals are simply that – crystals. Scientifically, these precious stones are structures of atoms which are formed in the earth’s crust and brought to the surface through weather such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. They can also be a by-product of mining. However, in recent years crystals have been connected to spirituality and personal well-being. This makes them a popular choice for anyone who may be searching for alternative medicine. 

It is worth noting that the healing properties of crystals have no scientific evidence to suggest they truly work. Some state that the crystals only offer a placebo effect and those who are sceptical about their healing abilities may not experience any benefits as they do not have an open mind. However, if you are looking to incorporate crystals into your daily life and are hoping to discover the power of crystals then keep reading to find out the unique properties of each individual crystal. 

Common healing crystals and their uses

Healing crystals are typically broken down into different categories based on their individual healing properties. These are health, wealth, and love. 


Amethyst – A Purple stone which is said to be used for relieving anxiety and stress. This crystal is also known to be purifying, helping the user banish negative energy and thoughts, as well in aiding with a restful sleep. Amethyst is also used to enhance a person’s willpower and promote good thoughts and choices. 

Clear quartz – A clear crystal, also known as the “master healer”, used mainly for the energetic system as a whole. It stores and regulates your energy while also bringing balance to your energetic system. It is also said to improve your concentration and memory. A clear quartz is often paired with a similar stone known as a rose quartz to enhance its effects.

LabradoriteA blue-grey crystal with streak of green and other blues, also known as the crystal of transformation as it looks to change colour in certain lights. Another great crystal to banish negative energies and help its owner to regain energy. This stone is considered one of the world’s most powerful protectors in terms of healing crystals.

Jasper – A smooth crystal, also referred to as “The supreme nurturer”, has a reputation for lifting the spirits and protecting the user from negative energy by absorbing it before it reaches its owner. It can also improve confidence and courage by preparing you to face issues head on, in turn this can reduce stress. 

Selenite – This crystal is most commonly found in white but can also be found in hues of gold, peach and rose. This stone promotes peace and calm as well as supporting mental beel being and clarity.


Amazonite – A green in colour crystal known for being the stone of success and abundance. This helps the owner to manifest wealth and financial happiness in their life by encouraging them to create a strong work ethic. This in time can help them to reach their goals. 

Citrine – A golden crystal believed to be the crystal of the sun. This is said to boost creativity and motivation, which in turn can improve the wealth and mindfulness of the owner. 

Tiger’s Eye – Another golden stone, but with a glossy, shimmering finish. Used for boosting power and motivation whilst banishing fear and self-doubt. One of its main uses is to centre a person and aid in making big decisions like career changes or progress.

Turquoise – The colour is in the name. This crystal is used to help heal the body, mind, and soul. Many use it as a good luck charm as it is said to bring good fortune and support spiritual groundedness.

Sunstone – Another golden/orange crystal. This stone helps to anish fears that affect the ego such as inferiority or fear of poverty. This makes it the perfect crystal for injecting a positive energy into your wealth.

AgateThis stone comes in a wide variety of different colours and hues. It is known to help you to finely tune your desires and stay playful when it comes to reaching your wealth goals. It is also good for rejecting negative auras. 


Rose Quartz – A pink stone which is associated with love and regarded as the stone of “unconditional love”. This crystal’s main purpose is to enhance self-love, trust and respect. Some healers use it to encourage trust in relationships and to provide the user comfort in times of negativity. 

Moonstone – Typically white in colour, this stone is known for its ability to promote growth and inner-strength. It is also said to connect a person to the divine femine spirit. The crystal can be used to relieve stress and uncertainty which helps to promote a positive mind set when trying new experiences.

RhodoniteThe stone known for being able to fill your heart and soul with love. It can also increase your feelings of connection and affection for both yourself and others. The crystal is sometimes referred to as the “rescue crystal” due to its ability to enhance self-love. It is found in a pink and black mixed colour. 

To delve deeper into the crystal lore of each stone, this list has further information. 

How do crystals work for healing?

Healing crystals are said to connect to your body’s energy field – also known as chakra – to provide physical, emotional and spiritual healing, according to a study recorded by Time. This can be tapped into in many ways when using crystals. One of them is to visit a crystal healer. 

Crystal Healers

Visiting a crystal healer is one method to reap the benefits from crystal healing. These are practitioners who have had to pass a certification course for natural medicine – typically these courses are taken online. These practitioners provide sessions where they use crystals to heal the medical issues you have come to them with. As mentioned above in our list of crystals and their individual uses, each crystal has a different healing benefit. A practitioner will choose a particular stone or stones based on the symptoms you have stated. 

When visiting a crystal healer, the way they use the stones is different to how you could use them in everyday life. The chosen crystals will be placed on different parts of your body which align with the chakra points of the symptoms you are showing. The usual positioning for these stones again will depend on why you are visiting the healer, but typically they are placed on points of the body such as; above the head, on the forehead, throat, chest, stomach and genital area. This allows the crystal to tap into the energy field, or chakra, of the body and the particular spot it is placed on, to heal the patient’s needs. 

Another way a crystal healer may perform a healing session is to simply place the stones around you in a circle. This is to create an energy field which surrounds the client with healing energy. 

Day to day healing

One of the most popular healing methods is day to day healing. This is simply taking on the crystal of your choice and keeping it close to you on a daily basis. This can be anything from wearing the stone as a piece of jewellery, such as a necklace or bracelet, or to simply hold a crystal in your hand during times of need. Many have reported to feel the crystals vibrate and heat up or even make their hand tingle whilst holding it. This is suggested to be the crystal passing on the healing properties. 

Sleep healing

Another way of using the healing crystals is to place the stone under your pillow at night. This allows the crystal to banish negative thoughts and dreams while you sleep, while also soothing and healing the mind. This method may be more useful for people who suffer with negative energy and thoughts – especially while they lie in bed and/or sleep. A good crystal for this method could be one such as Jasper which is known to diminish negative thoughts and energy before it reaches its owner.  A Bloodstone could also be a good option to place under your pillow at night as this is said to promote blood circulation. 

The placebo effect

As mentioned earlier on, some have suggested that the crystals only work due to the placebo effect. The placebo effect is where your mind and body believe that the medicine you are using is working, and therefore your symptoms begin to alleviate. Licensed crystal healers, day to day healing, and sleep healing could be just that; the placebo effect. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. 

There have been many studies and research which shows that the placebo effect can be very powerful. Through the power of suggestion and belief, symptoms can get better over time and even completely disappear. This is a form of mental healing and can be extremely beneficial to some patients, especially those who suffer with mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. The basis for this is, if you believe that the healing will work, you will start to see the benefits. 

Having a strong belief power can drastically change the results you see in crystal healing. That being said, major, life threatening illnesses such as liver disease or heart problems will not be able to be healed through crystal healing or the placebo effect and this is certainly not something your doctor would advise.

How to choose the right crystal

Selecting the right crystal can feel tricky. However, it can be made much more simple if you understand what you want to get from the crystal and what you want to heal. For example, the most common main healing categories for crystals, as mentioned above, are: health, wealth, and love. This is where you should start. 

Begin by thinking about what it is you wish to heal. Does it fall into the health category, or is it more on the love side? Maybe it is wealth you are wanting to promote? (Remember that wealth doesn’t necessarily mean money, you can want to be wealthy in knowledge or tranquillity.) Once you have understood what it is you are looking for, you can then begin to research the particular crystals associated with the category you have chosen. 

If you are ready to start on your crystal journey and discover the healing energies they offer, have a look at our vast range of crystals.

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A Spooky Time for a Skull

There is a lot to love and look forward to in the month of October; a few favourites might be the stunning and striking colour-change of the leaves on the trees, altering the landscape into a rich, fiery canvas. Or it could be the Pumpkin-Spice-everything from your latte to your cakes and even your favourite tipple. And then, of course, there’s Halloween and who doesn’t love to have the friendly spooky time of their lives!

You may have already been able to browse through our unique and wonderful collection of products (and sure enough the choice is HUGE!) but now is the time to pay particular attention to our crystals… and what better time to dive into the world of CRYSTAL SKULLS for this Halloween.

From mini skulls to the extra-large ones; from phantom quartz to blue soladite; you are bound to find the skull of your dark and wonderful dreams!

Did you know?

  • Crystal skulls are believed to store and transmute all the wisdom and knowledge of the living brain; this is because, according to author Ken Harsh, the human skull is so shaped as to allow maximum brainwave energy patterns and thought in all realms – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.
  • Crystal skulls are said to enhance psychic abilities and aid in connecting to your Starseed soul and channelling your energy.
  • Of all of the crystal skulls, the Mitchell-Hedges skull is probably the most infamous.  Apparently discovered in Belize, in the mid-1920s by Anna Mitchell-Hedges on her 17th Birthday, and nick-named the ‘Skull of Doom’ it was believed to have brought illness and even death to several people who cynically laughed at it. It was later stated that the skull actually helped in the healing process, on a number of occasions.
  • Our skulls are rich in colour and texture, exquisitely carved, detailed and genuinely friendly!
  • Crystals skulls can be used daily in meditation, to aid cleansing, healing and can be powerful tools for spiritual growth.

No matter our interest in crystal skulls, they remain fascinating, mysterious and intriguing. Get yours in our shop today and let yourself believe in the poetic powers of the crystal skull!

But remember, crystal skulls are not just for Halloween!

Wishing you a spook-tacular October!

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Our new website is live!

Welcome to our beautiful new website – it is live, kicking and filled with some of the best crystals, home & garden accessories, fashion, jewellery, birthstone gifts and other pewter-made mythical & spiritual icons you could ever imagine. There is no need for us to list here all the treasures that you will be able to find, it would be a far more enchanting experience for you to browse through our online store displaying a fantastic range of products, delivered to your door and even gift-wrapped if you so choose!

Watch this blog space as this will be your opportunity to discover a little more about what we do, the fantastic offers you can grab, information about new products, and we’ll even share something special with you every month!… intrigued? Follow us on Instagram and Pinterest too to get the most of what you love.

Shop something special, shop the Gifts of St Nectan!

May you have a peaceful month x