In natural medicine and crystal healing there are seven energy points on the body. These are also referred to as “chakra points”. Each chakra point also has a corresponding group of crystals which are known to connect to and simulate these energy spots. The trick is knowing which chakra crystals to use in order to truly connect and see the benefits for the problems you are wanting to heal.
In this guide we will outline each chakra point and their known crystals. It’s good to note that there are many different crystals that can be used to connect to the chakra points. However, we will mention the most known and favourable chakra crystals to make it easier for you to discover which stone seems right for you and your healing journey.
What is chakra?
Chakras are known to be the most important energy centres of your body. They maintain the flow of energy throughout the body and keep it balanced. If unbalanced you may start to feel drained and a lack of energy. Unbalanced chakras can have mental, physical, and spiritual tolls on your body that you may not be aware of. For example, if you are feeling stressed, fatigued, or even dealing with sudden self-esteem issues, this could be due to an energy blockage in your personal chakras. To banish these negative energies and keep the positive energy flowing chakra healing is essential. To do this, you will need to understand the seven chakras and which may be blocked.
The seven chakras
The body has seven main energy points which can all be tapped into through chakra balancing via crystals.
First chakra – Root chakra
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and represents your survival, safety, instinct and grounding. It is primarily portrayed by the colour red but there are a few crystals which are linked to the root chakra that are black. The healing effects of balancing your root chakra affect your spine, blood circulation, the adrenal glands, and sometimes the reproductive system.
Second chakra – Sacral chakra
The sacral chakra is positioned in the lower abdomen, just below the belly button. This chakra balances your passion, sexuality, creativity, and your emotions. The colour which is linked with the sacral chakra is orange and its healing properties include: enhancing the reproductive organs, and helping with the kidneys.
Third chakra – Solar plexus chakra
The solar plexus chakra sits around the belly button on the abdomen area. This chakra is linked with self-worth and confidence, will power, and personal strength. Its physical healing effects can help the digestive system, the liver, your central nervous system, the pancreas, and your metabolism. The primary colour it is linked with is shades of yellow, however there are a few crystals which may be more on the orange side.
Fourth chakra – Heart chakra
The heart chakra is located just there; the heart and it covers grief, love, relationships, and forgiveness. This chakra can be viewed as the most important energy point as it can bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual. Its healing powers can help with the immune system, the heart, breasts, and the lungs. The heart chakra is green in colour but there are some expectations, such as Rose quartz, which are pink in colour but are a great crystal for balancing the heart chakra.
Fifth chakra – Throat chakra
The throat chakra is another energy point located where its name states; the throat. Its main functions are: communication, self expression, and connection with life. This chakras colour is represented by light blues and turquoise and its healing is known to help the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the neck and shoulders, the throat, and ears and mouth.
Sixth chakra – Third eye chakra
The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra is more spiritual than the previous energy points and its location represents the spiritual third eye of all knowing. It is linked to imagination, insight and intuition, dreams, and wisdom. The colour which represents the third eye is deep purples and indigo, and its medical issues it is said to affect are: the pituitary glands, the eyes, the base of the skull, and your biorhythms.
Seventh chakra – Crown chakra
The crown chakra is the energy point for the head and is positioned at the top of the skull (hovers above). It is represented by violet and whites. This chakra is known to be able to link you to a higher self-connection and spirituality. It is good for enhancing knowledge and understanding, your inspiration, positive thoughts and energy, and great for creating a higher consciousness. Its physical healing effects include: the pituitary gland, the cerebral cortex and the brain, and the central nervous system.
What are chakra crystals?
Chakra crystals are precious stones you can use to tap into each personal energy point to balance them. Different crystals can connect to different chakra points, so it’s good to know which chakra point you may believe is blocked or unbalanced so you can use the right crystals.
There are some stones which do have a more universal use than others and can be used to balance different chakra points at once. Typically the colour which represents the chakra point is usually the colour of the crystals you can use, but there are a few exceptions. We have listed a few chakra gemstones below for each energy point.
Root chakra – Red (sometimes black)
Sacral chakra – Orange
- Goldstone
- Tigers eye
- Carnelian
- Smoky quartz
Solar Plexus chakra – Yellow
Heart chakra – Green (or pink)
- Rose Quartz
- Amazonite
- Rhodonite
- Emerald
Throat chakra – Blue
Third eye chakra – Indigo
Crown chakra – Violet and White
Where to put crystals for chakras
There are several different ways to use crystals for chakra healing and balance our bodies and minds. One way is to place the crystals on the corresponding points of the body. For example, if you are using a clear quartz crystal for healing, you are going to want to place this just above the head as this is where the crown chakra is located. The most beneficial way to do this would be to lie down. Another example would be Turquoise. This should be placed onto the throat area as this is where the throat chakra is positioned. Again, lying down while doing this would make it easier and more relaxing. Using multiple chakra crystals at once is also an option. So if you wanted to balance all your chakras you would simply place the right crystals in the correct places of the body. Going to a crystal healer is also an option if you are unable to do this yourself, or if you simply want a healer to do it for you and enhance the experience.
If placing the chakra crystals on your body is not for you, you can always build an energy circle. This is where you place the stones around you in a circle while you relax – you can be laid down for this one also. This will create an energy field which will surround you and be absorbed into your body, balancing your chakras depending on the crystals you have used.
Another option is to purchase the crystals in jewellery form. This can be a simple and elegant way to wear the crystals and have them in contact with your body without you even thinking about it. There are some options out there such as Chakra Sun Pendant which incorporate all seven chakra crystals into its design. This is a handy necklace for those who are wanting to balance all seven energy points and activate that energy field.
If chakra healing sounds interesting to you and something you want to try out, have a look at our range of crystals to start you on your journey. Just remember to correspond the crystal to the chakra/chakras you want to balance.