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The top benefits of crystal healing

Healing crystals have been around for centuries and are extremely popular amongst those who like to connect with their spiritual side. It is a form of natural and alternative medicine which is rising in popularity. Crystal healing consists of using beautiful, and sometimes precious, gems and stones which are usually very appealing to the eye. But owning a stunning crystal is one thing, knowing the benefits from using it for healing is another and could convince you to give it a try.

What are healing crystals?

There are many cultures that have believed in and used crystal for healing for years such as Greece – including the ancient Greeks – Egypt, and China. They believe each different stone has a unique healing ability which can connect to different energy points in the body – also known as Chakra. The crystals tend to typically fall under one of more of the following categories: health, wealth, and love and their healing properties correspond. For a more detailed explanation of this, take a look at our guide to crystals for healing.

Each precious stone is said to hold strong energy that can pass onto the user, healing the chakras or energy that needs it. Not every gem or stone you find or purchase may have healing properties. It usually comes down to the way the crystal was formed, for example from volcanic rock, and the way the crystal has been used and worshipped throughout the years for its abilities. To see a detailed list of most healing crystals take a look at the guide listed above.

The top benefits of healing crystals

Crystals are said to hold an electromagnetic charge which releases crystal vibrations when being used. This removes mental blockages in the body and mind and releases the negative energies one may be holding. There is also the belief that crystals can communicate with different energy points and flows in the body to help realign any energy channels that may be off balance and support the natural flow of energy through the body. 

As mentioned above, the crystals can fall into three categories for mental healing, but have also been said to help with healing physical illness as well.

Mental or spiritual healing

There are many apparent healing powers of crystal which are linked to health, wealth, and love. Some particular stones are being used time and time again by crystal healers and general everyday people, as they show large benefits of crystal healing.


A great overall stone for the mental and spiritual healing of one’s health is the clear quartz. This is known to be the “master healer” and is said to support the entire energetic system of the body. The other benefits of using crystals for health healing is to provide you with support during times of stress and anxiety, to help you with processing your emotions and the experiences you have so that you can banish the negative energies and let go, and to enhance your will power whilst purifying your thoughts and soul. Crystals used for this category of healing are said to be able to drastically improve your mental health by replacing the negative energy and thoughts with positive energy and calming the mind.


Wealth in this case actually refers to many things. Not only are there stones that are said to improve your actual wealth in terms of money, but they can improve your wealth of knowledge or good luck. A great crystal to use for attracting good luck is turquoise. This stone also helps to soothe emotions and banish negativity which in turn is what increases your ability to attract good luck. Other stones such as Amazonite are good for boosting your financial wealth and prosperity by encouraging a strong work ethic and success. Whereas there are other crystals and stones that boost wealth in different ways such as banishing self doubt and fear that can affect the ego and make one fearful of poverty. This helps to inject a positive energy into your wealth and encourages you to finely tune your desires from life.


A very popular and well known crystal which is linked closely to love is the Rose Quartz. This stone is said to be the crystal of “unconditional love” and can enhance self-love, trust and respect in yourself and your relationships. Other crystals known for this type of healing can help with promoting growth and inner strength whilst connecting you to the divine femine spirit, and also increase your connection to your feelings and the ones around you by enhancing your affection for yourself and others.

Physical healing

There are some crystals which are said to possess physical healing powers on the human body too. Although it is worth noting that there is no scientific evidence to support this way of medical treatment (and none for mental and spiritual healing) meaning that the benefits people reap from the stones may be that of a placebo effect. However, if the crystal is seemingly healing you, whether that be a placebo effect or not, the result is evident and is therefore benefitting you. 

There are a few crystals which are said to hold healing powers which can help with illnesses and ailments in the body. Rather than the individual crystals holding the physical healing powers, it is the energy point AKA chakra which it is linked to that can help with healing different physical properties.  

    • Root Chakra. Crystals linked to this chakra are said to aid with blood circulation, the reproductive system, the adrenal glands, and also help heal things that may affect your spine.
    • Sacral Chakra. These stones are said to help enhance the reproductive organs and assist the kidneys.
    • Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra and its crystals are known for aiding the digestive system, the liver, the central nervous system, and the metabolism.
    • Heart Chakra. The crystals linked with the heart chakra are said to assist with just that – the heart. They are also known for helping the immune system, breasts, and lungs.
    • Throat Chakra. The healing properties of these crystals are said to help assist the thyroid, the neck and shoulder, the throat, and the ears and mouth.
    • Third Eye Chakra. This chakra’s crystals are believed to help with the pituitary glands, the eyes, as well as the base of the skull.
    • The Crown Chakra. This is the final chakra and the crystals related to this are said to assist with healing the brain, the cerebral cortex, and the central nervous system.

Financial benefits

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine that can also be beneficial to the pocket. Although you can pay professionals like crystal healers to perform the healing sessions for you, you can also find other ways to use the precious stones which may suit you better. For example, if you wish to heal whilst sleeping, you can simply place the stone/stones under your pillow or in the room while you sleep. Alternatively you can purchase most crystals in jewellery form, meaning you can wear them day to day and heal without having to think about it. Whichever way you prefer to use the crystal, this can be more financially beneficial for you than other traditional medicine and professionals. The initial cost would be purchasing the crystal/crystals, but after that you may not need to spend a penny. However, it is essential that if you are trying crystals for medical purposes and healing, such as the ones listed under the chakras above, that you monitor this. If you do not feel any benefits from the stones, crystal healing may not be for you at this time, and it’s a good idea to seek professional medical advice.

Other benefits

You may want to use crystals to heal your mind and spirit. Maybe you have a few anxieties or fears that you wish to banish and talking to a professional such as a DR and/or psychologist might not appeal to you. Using crystal for healing can be a real benefit to people who are naturally socially anxious and who wish to heal themselves in private. The process of using crystals for healing can also be a very calm, relaxing, meditative time which can help you overall feel at peace in your own skin. Again, if you try crystal healing and do not feel it is working out for you but still want to seek help for your issues, please speak to a medical professional.

We have a wide range of crystals in all different forms, that are said to heal all different parts of the body and mind. Have a look at our store today to discover the perfect crystal for you! 

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